Monday, 25 November 2013

What do Muse covers mean?

This is just an article I made, if you have any feedback or want to add something, leave it in the comments.
Thanks and share :)

7 - September - 1999
As you can see, the planet is hot because you can see the flames and a planet with a moon in the back

If we start investigating, Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System because it is one of the closest planet  to the Sun and its atmosphere is very dense, so, for conclusion, the planet where the "girl"is, is Venus .

As you know, Venus is a Roman goddess and in this mythology is said that women are from Venus. For conclusion, the cover refers to that women really are from Venus.

Origin Of Symmetry
17 - July - 2001

As you can see, the cover shows some posts accommodated differently with symmetrical shadows

El origen de la simetría se refiere a que si pones un espejo en el origen, la sombra se refleja exactamente igual.
The origin of symmetry means that if you put a mirror in the "origin", the shadow is reflected exactly the same.The shape of the cover refers to the " prehistoric airports " today are no longer used and the use is not known (until now).

30 - September - 2003
The word "Absolution " can refer to a statement made ​​in the judgment when the judge fails to resolve the case thoroughly , the second has to do with religion but it is something that imparts a Catholic sacerdoe precesses without a confession of sins , one or more penitents in case death or serious need .
There are two ways to interpret the cover:
1.- The most part of songs on this album are religious and on the cover the shadows are in the form of a cross, this means that people got rid of their problems or are not interested in them anymore and take flight, it's like the world don´t care about the forgiveness of religión.The gas mask means the situation of the people and not to seek " forgiveness " to save the world sucks.

Finally, we have the guy looking at sky, many people say that this man represents Muse, they realize the situation and want to tell and spread to prevent the apocalypse.2.- The end of the world is here. The shadows represent the souls that "God" selected, the guy is looking at the sky and wondering why he was not selected

The mask represents the situation in the world, everyone wants to survive and there are wars.


Black Holes And Revelations:
3 - July - 2006
On the cover there are four men sitting around a table on a red ground, on the table there are three horses and in the back there´s the Earth and Moon.On the album, the word "Revelations " means " apocalypse " because in the Bible, the last book is the apocalypse and its name is "The Revelation" .The four men are representing the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .In the album , there is a song called Knights Of Cydonia and for conclusion, the men are on Mars, in an area called Cydonia

Each rider has a different costume, in an interview, Bellamy said that each suit represents one of the evils of humanity today : (right) gold suit represents the rich and the upper classes, ( below) the costume eye  represents the government , which sees all and controls, (left) the suit with religious symbols is the church or the religion,( back ) the suit with mirrors (that represent solar panels) are all the natural resources , or exploitation of them .The golden rider, look at the government but turns he´s back to the religion , that is that high society has government support and even make part of it and have forgotten religion. The man's arm is on the table and points to natural resources, that means that the rich people try to take advantage of natural resources to become richer.Government stares at natural resources, that means that the government wants to have control over them and exploit them. The man is giving us he´s back means that the government never show his true intentions and he´s reality to the society. The all-seeing eye .Religion looks the high class, and religion use them to get more rich. Moreover, the man has covered eyes, this represents the blindness that causes the faithful and is the fourth horse that is missing, since there are only three on the table.The naurales resources , look to the government aware that they are being exploited and nobody does anything about them.

The Resistance
14 - September - 2009
On the cover there is a man walking in a type tunnel and in the back, there´s the Earth.The cover may have two meanings :1 - . The first one is the Exogenesis  the last three songs of the album are a symphony and are called " Exogenesis Symphony". You can see a type man coming to Earth , obviously this "man " does not belong to the Earth or our present. The Exogenesis refers to the arrival of something out of this universe to planet Earth for some inexplicable way.
The colors of the "tunnel" represent constellations ( well represented in the zodiac signs ). The colors of the zodiac are: red, pink , orange , yellow , gold , magenta , brown , silver , turquoise , indigo , violet and purple , which are the colors that can be seen in the tunnel.The most part of the songs are about a resistance and how someone or something will try to control us, we will have to fight it. Are we Muse´s Resistance?2.-Where we come from? The second meaning is about that: how the man arrived Earth.
After that the cover came out (the normal), Muse took two other covers , that could represent the past, present and future.
The pas
t would be the cover we all know "the first man on Earth",

"The man arriving to the Earth".
The presen would be the cover of Resistance single, which represents the control of the new world order how they exploit and control us.
And f
inally the future, is the cover that came out like a limited edition in England, which represents how the man came to such an extent that exterminated .

The 2nd Law
17 - September - 13 / 2 - October - 2013
The figure shows a brain.
Part of the album has to do with The Human Connect Project, the project is to go through the human brain in a way that had never been done before to explore the cells that comprise and functions they have.
The project aims to achieve neural data, an interface to virtually navigate it and have more conclusions, leaving us to create a superior human and would have more control for MK Ultra (coincidence?) Massive.

Obviously the album is about the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but that will post later.
Some people say there are some letters in the cover "DUOF" and that it means something like this:
DUP- Dubstep
F- Follow Me

I leave this to your opini

Thanks :)

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